"I love what I do. Every one of my projects is treated with an individual approach - using thought, insight and focus on your audience and the results we want to create"

Matt Hollands

Branding, Graphic design,
Typography, Art direction.

azurite report cover

Creating a quality design to drive investment in Monaco

Azurite Property
Brochure design / Website design

Azurite is a privately-held property and investment management company currently focused on investing in the luxury residential sector of the Monaco real estate market. I was approached to design and deliver a new website and marketing material to a high-level clientele as well as streamlining their brand to create a consistent and modern style moving forward. A key part in giving them a platform to show their expertise and knowledge in Monaco’s property sector. www.azuriteproperty.com

Report Design

I developed a series of reports that provided information and trends around the property values in Monaco and the economic impacts that affect them. The design style took the existing brand identity and developed it into a high-value presentation that appealed to high-level investors by providing detailed information in a clear and engaging manner.

azurite property district report

Information Graphics

The information and data provide needed to be presented in formats that are relatable and get to the point highlighting the value of the Monaco property sector. Using the brand colour palette a series of charts and diagrams were produced to communicate

Website Design

The objective of the new website is to generate new leads and contacts through the callback function, brochure download, or application. Working closely with the client we designed a structure and flow through the site that would provide core information with strategically placed calls to action.

Client Feedback

Over the last 10 years of working online, I have worked with multiple designers from different countries. Out of all the designers I’ve worked with, none of them come close to Matt’s taste in design and the ability to understand your customer’s user experience. Matt is my go-to guy for all my different company’s design needs, whether it’s for web or print, Matt has an eye for bringing your companies brand to life.

Jake Hall, Marketing Director

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Graphic designer, branding, website design Graphic designer, branding, website design Graphic designer, branding, website design